Al Jazeera World is a weekly showcase of one-hour documentary films from across the Al Jazeera Network. Working with a talented international team, each week we deliver a different film covering a wide range of human interest topics. Our films are available to view on the Al Jazeera English worldwide broadcast network as well as on YouTube and on the Al Jazeera World website.
Previously, my career spanned over three decades providing a range of services for television broadcasters, publishers and media organisations. Creative, organised with a rich experience in both local and international markets.
Before leaving Ireland and the UK for The Middle East in 2013, I was already a well-established and experienced TV Producer and journalist. With many years experience at Series Producer/Exec Producer level with BBC / RTE / C4 and Five - I have worked in the UK, Ireland and on assignment in many countries in Europe, North America, The Middle East and Caribbean.
Aside from film production, I am an established author, whose work includes a No.1 best selling non-fiction book for international publisher Random House.
Al Jazeera Media Network
in Qatar